Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

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Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Attorney

In Los Angeles, a motorcycle accident can be a life-changing event that can lead to serious personal injury, extensive property damage, and even wrongful death. A catastrophic accident can also result in thousands of dollars in medical bills and vehicle repairs, in addition to lost wages and pain and suffering. If you find yourself in the aftermath of an accident, it’s crucial that you seek legal counsel from a Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney.

An individual who suffers traumatic injuries due to a motorcycle accident may never fully recover. Fortunately, depending on the circumstances of the accident, the individual and/or their loved ones may have the ability to seek justice in the form of compensation. An experienced and skilled Los Angeles personal injury lawyer can assist you and your family in navigating the legal system applicable to these cases and help determine the right course of action to take.

Motorcycle Laws in California

You can do everything in your power to prevent a motorcycle accident and yet the chances for one to still happen exist. This is largely due to the fact that situations may not be entirely avoidable because of the behaviors and actions of other people operating a vehicle on the road.

That being said, there are certain state laws that can help lessen the risk of an accident occurring. Following these laws can also help you mitigate personal legal trouble or liability in the event of an accident. Important laws to be aware of in California while operating a motorcycle can include:

  • Road rules. You, as a motorcyclist, have the same rights to the roadways as any other person operating a vehicle. This means that other drivers need to yield the right-of-way to you when applicable and they also must maintain a safe distance between their vehicle and yours.
  • Requirement for helmets. In California, helmets are required to be worn by all riders and their passengers by law, no matter their age.
  • Requirement for proper equipment. In order to operate your motorcycle legally in California, all equipment must be in full working order. This includes the seats and footrests used by each person on the motorcycle, working breaks, taillight, headlamp, and a windscreen or another form of eye protection.
  • Lane-splitting laws. One of the few states that allows lane-splitting, California motorcyclists can drive on the lane divider to navigate between stopped or slowly moving vehicles. While it does allow riders to move quicker through traffic, it can also result in an increased chance of collision.
  • Obtaining correct motorcycle licenses. Individuals wishing to operate a motorcycle legally must first obtain the correct licensure through a series of special tests and training, like a riding test.

These laws all outline a safe way to operate your motorcycle in California. Not only can they mitigate your chances of being involved in a collision, but should a collision occur, following these laws can help you avoid any possible personal liability. It is wise to familiarize yourself with these laws and obey them in order to stay responsible and vigilant.

Fortunately, if you do find yourself involved in an accident, there is help ready and available.

Why Trust Kenneth M. Sigelman & Associates With Your Motorcycle Accident Claim?

If you or a loved one has sustained injury or personal property damage in a Los Angeles motorcycle accident, you don’t have to face the legal challenges alone. At Kenneth M. Sigelman & Associates, we pride ourselves on the hard work and dedication we offer to each of our personal injury clients. It is important you find someone who cares about the monetary value of your claim and about your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

At Kenneth M. Sigelman & Associates, we can take over the investigating and negotiating involved in your claim so you can focus on what’s really important — your health. While you take the time necessary to rest and recover, we can provide you with a clear understanding of your rights, collect statements from witnesses, gather documentation for evidence purposes, negotiate with the insurance companies, and prepare your claim for trial, if necessary, with confidence.

Common Causes for Motorcycle Accidents in Los Angeles

One of the first steps in moving toward obtaining financial compensation for your motorcycle accident is identifying the cause of the accident. Often, motorcycle accidents can be preventable and it only takes one bad decision or mistake for one to occur. The most common causes for motorcycle accidents in Los Angeles, California are:

  • Drugs or alcohol. Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is not only illegal, it can lead to horrific accidents. They are also easily avoidable if you make the right decision not to drive while impaired by substances.
  • Speeding. Another common cause of motorcycle accidents is when someone operates a vehicle at illegal speeds. Driving over posted speed limits can result in nasty wrecks that would have been otherwise avoidable if the speed limits had been obeyed.
  • Poor road conditions. Wet roads can lead to poor traction control, which, in turn, can lead to bikers losing control of their motorcycle and spinning off into oncoming traffic, ditches, and other hazards.
  • Road hazards. When an individual is distracted, speeding, or simply unable to move out of the way, road hazards such as potholes, debris, oil spills, and loose gravel may cause the driver to lose control of their bike and experience an accident.
  • Distracted driving. Operating your motorcycle while texting, using your cell phone in other ways, or working the bike’s radio can all cause you to take your eyes off the roadway and either swerve into oncoming traffic or hit something that could result in an accident.
  • Not wearing a helmet. In California, wearing a helmet while driving or riding on a motorcycle is a legal requirement. However, people often disregard this rule, which can lead to sustaining horrific and sometimes fatal injuries if an accident occurs.

All of these can result in a litany of different accidents, ranging from minor wrecks to devastating and fatal collisions.

Common Accidents Involving Motorcycles

Whether preventable or not, there are a multitude of ways an accident can occur. These ways can lead to several different types of accidents, each one dangerous and having the capability of causing serious harm to both the body and the personal property of the rider. These accidents can include:

  • Rear-end collisions.
  • Head-on collisions.
  • Failure-to-yield accidents.
  • Intersection collisions.
  • Hit-and-run accidents.
  • Left-turn accidents.
  • Lane-splitting accidents.
  • Side-impact or T-bone collision.
  • Collision while merging.

Common Injuries Sustained in Motorcycle Accidents

Injuries sustained in most motorcycle accidents are often severe. Motorcyclists do not have the same kind of protection as drivers operating motorized vehicles do, even if they are wearing protective gear. An impact on the road or another vehicle can result in devastating damage to both body and property.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a motorcyclist is 28 times more likely to die in an accident than the average passenger in a car. Common injuries that are often a result of a motorcycle accident include:

  • Broken bones.
  • Bruises.
  • Whiplash.
  • Damage to the spinal cord.
  • Paralysis.
  • Coma.
  • Skull fractures.
  • Abrasions.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Scarring and disfigurement.
  • Road rash.
  • Traumatic brain injuries.
  • Injury of the lower extremities.

These often catastrophic injuries are common in motorcycle accidents and can have devastating consequences that victims may have to deal with for the rest of their lifetimes. Victims may also suffer emotional pain and trauma following a motorcycle accident. No matter the injury or the extent of the injury, it is prudent to work with a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer who can fight for the compensation you deserve for everything you have lost and suffered.

What to Do Following Your Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident

Following a motorcycle accident, the steps you do or don’t take can have a hefty impact on the outcome of your claim. It’s integral to take certain actions to protect your chances for compensation. Your lawyer will need evidence in order to determine the right course of action to take and to identify the party at fault before they can file your claim.

If you find yourself in the aftermath of a Los Angeles motorcycle accident, it is crucial to take the following steps:

  • Move to safety. If you are physically capable, remove yourself from the scene and move into a safer position off the roadway. Check yourself and any other passengers for injury.
  • Call 911. Even if you don’t feel hurt or in pain, it’s wise to call 911 so you can report the accident to the police and any necessary medical personnel. Once the police arrive on the scene, they will write up a report, and it is essential that you request your report number before they leave.
  • Collect documentation and evidence. If you are physically capable, take documentation of the accident, including photos and videos of the vehicles involved, their positions, the damage they received, and also the condition of the roadway. You will also want to take photos and videos of any injuries you or other passengers sustained.
  • Exchange contact information. If any other parties are involved in your accident, make sure to exchange all contact information with them, including their name, their driver’s license numbers, and the information for their insurance company. If there are any eyewitnesses to the accident, it will also be helpful to your claim to collect their contact information.
  • Go to the nearest hospital. Even if you do not feel hurt or in pain, it is wise to be checked over by a medical professional. There might be injuries that you cannot see, like internal bleeding. This treatment will look good to any insurance companies involved, and it can help you heal if you are dealing with any invisible injuries.
  • Report the crash to your insurance company. Report the accident to your insurance company, but make sure you do not admit any kind of fault, not even partial fault, as this could harm the future of your claim.
  • Follow your doctor’s orders. It is wise to seek follow-up treatment with your personal doctor after your accident. This will look good to insurance companies, who may use it against you if you don’t seek further treatment.
  • Contact an attorney. Before filing an official claim, speak to a trusted Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorney who can help you determine your options and decide which course of action is right for your specific case.

What Compensation Is Available in a Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Claim

Most motorcycle accidents in California can result in bodily injury and personal property damage. Because of this, there is a litany of damages you may be able to pursue compensation for. These damages include:

  • Property damage. Recoverable property damage can be more than just the physical state of your bike. It can include any damage suffered by your motorcycle that needs repairs, as it may affect your safety and protection when operating your bike in the future.
  • Lost wages. When a motorcycle accident results in debilitating injuries, there is a chance you will miss work and lose out on sustaining wages. If this is the case, you can recover the money you would have made if you had not suffered the accident. It can also include any future income you might have made if you were not injured due to the collision.
  • Medical expenses. These kinds of accidents can leave victims with various injuries that can range from simple to serious. Medical bills from treatment, diagnosis, and ongoing care can build up and impact your finances. Thankfully, these are recoverable damages.
  • Emotional trauma. Motorcycle accidents may lead to psychological traumas like post-traumatic stress disorder or depression. This kind of compensation acknowledges the toll your accident took on your emotional and mental well-being.
  • Pain and suffering. Following an accident, you may suffer from physical pain, emotional distress, or discomfort due to injuries. You can recover damages for this pain, any injury-related immobility, and emotional stress.

Who Can Be Held Liable for Your Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident

When a motorcycle accident occurs, there are a number of parties that can be held liable for the accident, depending on the circumstances involved. These parties may include fellow motorists operating vehicles on the roadways, the manufacturers of any components of your bike that may have failed, like the brakes or tires, or government entities who are responsible for maintaining the safety of the roadway. Your attorney can determine which of these parties is at fault.


Q: How Much Are Most Motorcycle Accident Settlements?

A: It is not always easy to estimate the exact amount that one can expect from filing a motorcycle accident claim. The monetary value assigned to your settlement can be dependent on several factors. These factors could include the severity of your injuries, the property damage that was sustained in the accident, if you lost wages due to the inability to work, and who is at fault for the accident itself.

Q: How Much Do Personal Injury Attorneys Charge?

A: Most personal injury attorneys operate on a contingency fee basis. This means that they will not take a percentage fee unless they win your case. There is no limit as to the percentage an attorney can take; however, the amount must be ethically reasonable. This fee can also be based on the complexity of the case and the attorney’s experience.

Q: What Is the Statute of Limitations for a Motorcycle Accident in California?

A: The statute of limitations for filing a claim for damages caused by a motorcycle accident is two years. This date is set from the time the accident occurred. On the other hand, if the injury is not discovered right away, the time frame is moved up to one year following the date you discovered your injury.

Q: Why Should I Never Admit Fault Even if I Am Partially at Fault for the Accident?

A: One should never admit to fault at the scene of a motorcycle accident, even if they are partially responsible for the accident. Simply put, an individual most likely does not have the legal background to make that determination and could harm any future possibility of filing a claim if they admit to even partial responsibility.

Contact an Experienced Los Angeles Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one has recently suffered injuries or personal property damage due to a motorcycle accident, you may be entitled to receive compensation for the damages sustained. These situations can often lead to overwhelming stress and anxiety, especially as the legal world surrounding these situations can be complex and confusing. Thankfully, that’s where we come in.

At Kenneth M. Sigelman & Associates, we are passionate about giving each of our clients the care and attention to detail their cases deserve. Contact us today and schedule a free consultation to go over the details of your case. Let us guide you through determining what your options are and how to go about filing a personal injury claim. The good news is that you aren’t alone. We’ve got your back.

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